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multilingual, motivating, pragmatic and self improvement eBooks, all instant downloads .
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Personal French Teacher is proud of being in partnership with ClickBank® that is the world leader in performance marketing of digital products, with over six million clients and distribution in 190 countries.
Personal French Teacher ‘s Boutique is in active collaboration with ClickBank featuring a wide selection of our Multilingual Language Ebooks sold to 190 countries in the world.
Our Ebooks , written by the French Polyglot Expert , Catherine Chantal Marango, are uniquely Multilingual with titles available from 5 to 15 Foreign Languages
Our top subjects are Medicine,Business, Computers, and Technology, self-improvement......
We offer many ebooks titles available to download that can be viewed immediately
Formats: PDF format, of which can be viewedwith Amazon's desktop software, a Kindle, an iPad, iPhone, Android device,Blackberry, and iPod Touch.
About Us
Catherine Chantal Marango
store owner
Catherine- Chantal Marango Is A Highly Trained French Multilingual Professional Who Has Many Years Of Experience As A Successful Foreign Language Expert, Company Manager, And Pedagogical Psychologist, Working In Nice, France.
She Celebrates With Her Mediterranean Enthusiasm 10 Years Being In The Language Business.Successfully Running Her Linguistic Company Personal French Teacher (Www.Personalfrenchteacher.com)
She Has Worked With Thousands Of High-Qualified Global Students Seeking A Real Language Improvement From General To Specific Purposes.
Her Real-World Experience, Multilingualism, Extensive Education, Pragmatic Connection And Pedagogical Psychology Makes Her The Excellent Choice To Help You Speak The World With Flying Colors.Now,
By Reading Her Books, It Is Your Chance To Be A Real Success!!!
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Full access program for medicine
Full access program for business
Full access program for computer